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  • 剧情介绍
连环杀人犯被杀事件第一季剧情介绍:连环杀人犯被杀事件第一季是由Trygve Allister Diesen,Katarina Launing执导,斯文·诺丁,凯瑞-安·莫斯,里奇·坎贝尔,乔纳斯·斯特兰德·格利,乌里克·汉森·多维根,马德斯·斯代尔,加德·B·艾兹沃尔德,弗里迪夫·梭哈姆,乔恩·奥伊登,尼尔斯·约恩·卡尔斯塔德,麦德斯·斯加德·彼得森,达格妮·巴克·约翰森,威达·桑登,沙汀·罗尼,Anders Rogg,托恩·丹尼尔森,艾尔·艾吉森,艾伦·多丽特·彼得森,Lars Berge,Thea Green Lundberg,Mari等人主演的,于2019年上映,该美国剧讲述的是  The drama, which stars Sven Nordin and Carrie-Anne Moss, is based on the best-selling books The Caveman and The Hunting Dogs by writer Jørn Lier Horst. Set in the unique and stunning landscape of Norway, this series follows homicide detective William Wisting as he wrestles with the most challenging and shocking case of his career: a wanted American serial killer preying amongst them.
  Hollywood actress Carrie-Anne Moss, known for her roles in the Matrix and more recently Marvel’s Jessica Jones, plays FBI Agent Maggie Griffin alongside British actor Richie Campbell (Anuvahood, The Frankenstein Chronicles) who plays Special Agent John Bantham. The pair are brought in to help Wisting and his team apprehend the infamous killer who has eluded capture for years. Leading Norwegian theatre and film actor Sven Nordin (Valkyrien) stars as Detective William Wisting.
  Meanwhile, Line - Wisting’s intrepid journalist daughter - is chasing headlines, leading her straight into the path of the serial killer.
  Suddenly, an old case comes back to haunt Wisting, and a dreadful accusation is hurled at him. How will Wisting save other lives when he finds himself suspended and fighting for his own reputation, career and life?
  Sue Deeks, Head of BBC Programme Acquisition, says: "Wisting has already been a tremendous success in Norway, and we have no doubt that BBC viewers will be equally engaged by such a likeable, emotionally complex lead character, and a compelling plot full of twists and turns."
  Chris Stewart, Commercial Director, Scripted, comments, “Wisting is a multi-layered drama, that is sure to keep BBC audiences in suspense throughout. It’s a classic cat-and-mouse thriller interwoven with some scintillating character performances from a stellar cast. I’m sure the UK audience will embrace this fantastic screen adaptation with equal enthusiasm."
  This 10 x 45’ is produced by Cinenord and Good Company Films in co-production with Viaplay, Degeto Film, TV3 Norway. Wisting Wisting is created by Katrine Valen Zeiner (Valkyrien) and Trygve Allister Diesen (The Third Eye) who also direc(《连环杀人犯被杀事件第一季》美国剧于2024-04-06 03:05由达达兔影视收集自网络发布。)


  • 已完结斯巴达克斯第二季更新时间:2024-04-06
  • 全6集罗马帝国第一季肖恩·宾
  • 完结卫国勇士安妮·海切,迈克·沃格尔,塔特·艾灵顿,德米垂斯·格罗斯,娜塔莎·卡拉姆,诺亚·米尔斯,索非亚·佩尔纳斯,哈迪 塔巴尔,基娅拉·奥利勒拉,约翰·法曼尼斯-博卡,马克·克鲁普顿,巴赫拉姆·霍斯拉维亚尼,詹姆士·塔珀,丹尼斯·基弗,艾利克斯·威尔顿·里根,科勒姆·卡恩
  • 完结希德姐妹帮贾思敏·马修斯,格蕾丝·维多利亚·考克斯,梅拉尼·菲尔德,詹姆斯·斯卡利,布兰登·斯坎内尔,杰西·利,罗梅尔·德席尔瓦,爱迪威·布朗,卡梅伦·格尔曼,曼迪·琼·特平,杰里米·卡尔亨,安娜丽莎·科克伦,佩奇·韦尔登,克里斯蒂娜·伯德特,Brett Cooper,Joe Don Harris
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答:这部影片达达兔影视的上映时间是2024-04-06 03:05




答:如懿传是由Trygve Allister Diesen,Katarina Launing执导,斯文·诺丁,凯瑞-安·莫斯,里奇·坎贝尔,乔纳斯·斯特兰德·格利,乌里克·汉森·多维根,马德斯·斯代尔,加德·B·艾兹沃尔德,弗里迪夫·梭哈姆,乔恩·奥伊登,尼尔斯·约恩·卡尔斯塔德,麦德斯·斯加德·彼得森,达格妮·巴克·约翰森,威达·桑登,沙汀·罗尼,Anders Rogg,托恩·丹尼尔森,艾尔·艾吉森,艾伦·多丽特·彼得森,Lars Berge,Thea Green Lundberg,Mari领衔主演,该剧于2024-04-06 03:05在 腾讯爱奇艺达达兔影视优酷、等平台同步播出。






Mtime时光网网友评价:我一直认为所谓的影片是绘声绘色的书 比小说更高 基于虚拟与幻想 回头一想却都是现实的虚幻影子

丢豆网网友评论:Trygve Allister Diesen,Katarina Launing导演的作品,有欢笑、有泪水、有喜悦、有悲伤...,虚拟世界中的感情是多彩的,并不同于我们现实中不爽就一直玩的感觉,虚拟感情的交错,当看完之后会觉得更加舒畅。


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