• 正在播放中间爱情第03集


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  • 中间爱情影评
  • 剧情介绍
  Jade works as a graphic designer. He is always the one in the middle. Middle child. He has got an average grade in school. People around him either his siblings or his friends are so good-looking that he has always been overlooked or becomes just a middleman for those Who want to know his siblings and friends personally. Jade has been in this situation for years and has to accept it unwillingly. He has built a high wall in his heart. He does not expect a romantic relationship since he has learned that whoever comes to him just want to get close to the people around him. One day, his office welcomes an intern called Mai. Mai is an attractive student Who is popular among the girls in the office. Jade notices that Mai often stares at him and his friend, Uea. He thinks Mai is interested in Uea, and yes- he will become a middleman for this again. But, he does not know that the one Who actually catches Mai's eye is him. Let's see what will happen when the middleman will not be overlooked as before!


  • 全26集天生一对第二季蓝妮·卡彭,塔纳瓦特·瓦塔纳普迪
  • 已完结玩色男人温·吉拉帕特·乌塔亚南农,Parm AroHa,Aun Warit Chinpaji,Shell Thanakrit Chaiwut,Boat Pakorn,KaowOat Supasin,V Thanathorn Bunsong,Jeffy Limsirthong,Jack Giaco,Korn Sky,Chatwasutha
  • 已完结麻绳诺帕努·甘塔柴,瓦鲁特·查瓦力朱吉翁,纳塔奇·司隶朋通,提迪瓦·立帕拉赛,萨曼莎·梅兰妮·蔻兹,帕琳恩·查恩玛浓,Bosston Suphadach Wilairat,帕西特·本朋沙瓦
  • 第08集完结香料与魔法普拉克·帕尼,帕兰达·缇塔瓦西娜
  • 已完结千方百计爱上你普提查·克瑟辛,Lily,Pansirithanachote,齐纳吾·英塔拉库辛,Malinee,Adelaide,Coates,(Mali),Airin,Yoogthatat
  • 全26集通灵皮影更新时间:2024-02-17


视频更新时间:2024-04-06 05:02
剧情介绍:坦纳民·翁斯坤帕导演执导的《中间爱情》,该影片在2023年大陆发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑,由帕林亚功·坎萨瓦,图拓·科拉帕特·拉姆诺伊,苏帕蒙功·翁维素特,西拉陂普·玛尼提坤,帕努帕特·阿诺玛契提,索恩塔斯特·布昂加姆,托马斯·提图特·钟玛尼拉特,薇琳萨兰·唐绮苏瓦妮,塔纳帕特·卡琼查坤,皮纳潘·仲查伦帕尼奇 等主演的一部不错的电视剧。
  Jade works as a graphic designer. He is always the one in the middle. Middle child. He has got an average grade in school. People around him either his siblings or his friends are so good-looking that he has always been overlooked or becomes just a middleman for those Who want to know his siblings and friends personally. Jade has been in this situation for years and has to accept it unwillingly. He has built a high wall in his heart. He does not expect a romantic relationship since he has learned that whoever comes to him just want to get close to the people around him. One day, his office welcomes an intern called Mai. Mai is an attractive student Who is popular among the girls in the office. Jade notices that Mai often stares at him and his friend, Uea. He thinks Mai is interested in Uea, and yes- he will become a middleman for this again. But, he does not know that the one Who actually catches Mai's eye is him. Let's see what will happen when the middleman will not be overlooked as before!
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